Style guide
This style guide has two purposes.
First, it is the style guide that I use for writing the Consulting Journal. A written publication needs consistency, and I intend the style guide to give this to the Consulting Journal.
Second, it is a style guide that a consulting company or a single consultant can adapt for their own use, to build consistency within all of their reports to clients. There are some entries that you may reject. There are some entries that you may reverse, so that you reject my chosen alternative.
The style guide does not attempt to describe English grammar. It does contain my preferred choices for writing, and some of these are included simply because I prefer them.
You should not assume that anything in the style guide is “right”.
This style guide is about consulting. I have not made entries in it unless I think that they are relevant to consulting. So, I may have opinions about many other words and phrases, but, if they are not likely to be used in the Consulting Journal or in a consultant's report to a client, then they are not in here. This may make the style guide more valuable to a consulting company or an consultant than a more general style guide.
The style guide is in two columns. If a single word or phrase appears in the left column without any text to the right, then the preferred spelling or punctuation is shown.
eg, an hour but a hero. Note especially a hotel.
Use an before an abbreviation or acronym that starts with a vowel sound,
eg, an NGO project but a NATO project.
eg, USA, Mr, etc, but W.A. Mozart.
eg, serviceable, knowledgeable, manageable.
For a verb, use gain access.
When referring to information, it can be read, written, inserted or updated.
eg, laser.
Capitalize the first letter of proper nouns.
eg, Nato.
Use upper case for acronyms that are spelt like another word.
eg, PIN, SALT.
eg, a generally accepted principle.
eg, David and I will put forward alternate ideas means that David and I will take it in turns to put forward an idea each.
David and I will put forward alternative ideas means that David and I will put forward different ideas.
eg, an hour but a hero. Note especially a hotel.
Use an before an abbreviation or acronym that starts with a vowel sound,
eg, an NGO project but a NATO project.
eg, He tends to procrastinate or He often procrastinates.
eg, Instead of This rule applies as of 1 August, use This rule will apply from 1 August or This rule has applied since 1 August.
Biennial: once every two years.
Avoid them and use clear alternatives.
eg, This occurs twice a year.
eg, the programmer's bible
eg, The Adventure of the Cardboard Box.
Do not use bold, italics or quotation marks.
Great Britain: the main island of Britain, including England, Scotland and Wales.
Instead of In many cases, your processes are ineffective, write Many of your processes are ineffective.
A chair is a seat, not a person.
eg, the check-in desk.
Most coding languages use the American word color. This makes it easy to distinguish between the two.
eg, The background-color on the site is a colour chosen by the viewer.
eg, The Consulting Journal editor, David Blakey, is a writer and The writer David Blakey is the Consulting Journal editor.
eg, The proposals were short-listed by comparing them to our requirements.
Compare with means that you are looking for differences.
eg, Some proposals were eliminated by comparing them with our requirements.
eg, north, the north-west of England, south-east Scotland.
Care is needed when the subject is a named place, such as the West Midlands instead of a general area, such as the west midlands of England.
eg, The package comprises several functions.
eg, We are an experienced consulting company, although We are experienced consultants would be better, as consulting is performed by individuals rather than organizations.
There is a familiarity about these words that may have a negative effect in a consultant's report.
There are occasions when using these terms in the Consulting Journal does help to emphasize a point.
Some local authorities incorrectly and arrogantly refer to themselves as Council.
Criterion is singular.
eg, euro, dollar, New Zealand dollar.
Used in preference to résumé.
eg, The data has all been collected.
This is part of British and American English that is still evolving. I recommend that you use the verb form that sounds best to you. You can add emphasis by using the plural. The data are being collected gives a strong impression of ongoing action.
22 August 2003 for normal text.
22-Aug-2003 for date-stamps.
Dates using only numbers should be avoided.
Years are based on the Christian numbering system by default.
eg, 2003.
Years can be shown with a prefix to show alternative systems.
eg, AD2003, AH1424.
For a year in an alternative system, it is usual to provide the equivalent Christian year in parenthesis. If there are two equivalent Christian years; only one should be given.
eg, AH1424 (AD2003).
eg, Disassemble is better than de-construct.
American: the Department of Defense.
British: the Ministry of Defence.
It is confusing for a British writer to refer to the Department of Defence.
eg, north, the north-west of England, south-east Scotland.
Care is needed when the subject is a named place, such as the West Midlands instead of a general area, such as the west midlands of England.
There is also the possibility of imprecision. If I write I do not think that your actions will not solve the problem, it has a different meaning from I think that your actions will solve the problem.
The first sentence is the kind of statement that consultants should avoid using. It can convey an impression of a lack of precision or commitment or knowledge.
eg, We depend upon email. and We have received your email.
Enterprise-wide system is better.
Enterprise system may be used.
Eg, replace The fact that the reject rate is so high implies that your manufacturing quality is low with Your high reject rate implies that your manufacturing quality is low.
The major exception is a feasibility study.
eg, Use obsession instead of idée fixe.
Do not italicize foreign words and phrases.
Keep accents.
eg, Use coupé for a car; use coupe for a dessert.
Animals preferably do not have a gender. An animal should be called it unless there is a strong - and extremely rare - reason for using he or she.
Objects never have a gender. A ship or car is it, not she.
eg, I do not approve of your treating gerunds like verbs.
Gerunds can often be used to avoid clumsiness.
eg, We agree with your presenting the case is better than We agree that you should present the case. Note also the difference in meaning from We agree with your presentation of the case, which implies approval of the content of the presentation.
eg, an hour but a hero. Note especially a hotel.
Use an before an abbreviation or acronym that starts with a vowel sound,
eg, an NGO project but a NATO project.
In many instances, historical is correct.
eg, We shall keep a historical record of the user acceptance tests.
eg, The Consulting Journal homepage is
This is partly because it really only means with hope.
eg, We began the new project hopefully.
The position of hopefully within a sentence can cause problems in identifying who is hopeful.
eg, They have hopefully begun the project in its proper sense means They have begun the project with hope, rather than We hope that they have begun the project.
eg, The new competitor may have an impact on our market share describes a rapid, powerful effect, and The new competitor may have an effect on our market share describes a longer, less powerful effect.
Practicable means that its subject can be done, and impracticable means that it cannot be done.
One plan may be practicable without being practical; another may be impractical without being impracticable.
eg, organization, organize; criticism, criticize; recognition, recognize.
It uses -ise for verbs ending with -cise and based on Latin words for cut.
eg, excise.
It uses -ise for verbs ending with -vise and based on Latin or French words for see.
eg, supervise.
It uses -ise for verbs based upon nouns that are only spelt with ise themselves..
eg, advertise from advertisement.
The habit of using -ise in all circumstances is based upon laziness and ignorance of the rules and roots of English.
Some jobs award titles.
eg, the president but President Bush.
Care should be taken with kinds.
This kind of animal means animals of this kind, with a single kind that can include several animals.
These kinds of animals means animals of these kinds, with several kinds each of which can include several animals.
Animals of this kind or animals of these kinds make the context clear.
eg, The latest issue of the Consulting Journal contains the final article in the series.
I want to buy a car like yours means that I want to buy a car similar to yours. It does not include the possibility of my buying your car.
I want to employ a consultant like the candidate means that I want to employ someone such as the candidate. It does include the possibility of employing the candidate.
If the meaning of the sentence is not clear, then re-phrase it.
eg, The tasks need 40 work-hours, and 2 people should complete them in 20 elapsed hours.
When discussing a person, attitude or belief is better and less ambiguous.
When discussing an organization, embedded or written attitudes become policy.
In client organizations, what is stated as policy may not match employees' attitudes.
In writing about risk, consultants sometimes use it wrongly to mean reduce the probability of a risk or eliminate the effects of a risk. Both are incorrect.
Use a verb such as act where appropriate.
Eg, We shall act against our competitors.
Notebook should describe a paper notebook. Computers are laptops.
You will have a perception of something if you are aware of its existence through your senses.
eg, We perceive that you have financial controls.
You reach a conclusion about something as a result of your reasoning.
eg, We conclude that you have ineffective financial controls.
In most correct uses of perceive, it can be replaced by observe, which sounds more modern.
It can be used where the action of the verb has occurred over a period a time.
eg, We have noticed the problem during the past month rather than We noticed the problem during the past month.
Beware of writing no person when no one would be better. No person can sound officious.
eg, The tasks need 40 work-hours, and 2 people should complete them in 20 elapsed hours.
In upper case, PIN is easily distinguished from a pin.
For place names in English, use the American or British name, as appropriate. In British English, use Pearl Harbor, not Pearl Harbour.
eg, the river Thames, even though there is a town called Thames in New Zealand. The Thames is understood to refer to the British river. The Pacific ocean as the Pacific is unambiguous, but the Indian Ocean.
This rule does not apply to Mount or Lake at the beginning of a place name.
eg, Everest or Mount Everest.
In England, some bodies of water are not called Lake, while in Scotland and Ireland Loch and Lough should not be omitted.
eg, Windermere, Ullswater, Loch Lomond, Lough Neagh.
Use the work of five years rather than five years' work.
Practicable means that its subject can be done, and impracticable means that it cannot be done.
One plan may be practicable without being practical; another may be impractical without being impracticable.
The Consulting Journal prefers programme for all other uses. This includes a programme of related projects.
eg, the Spectator, the New York Times.
Do not use bold, italics or quotation marks.
A leading the does not have its initial capitalized unless it is part of the title,
eg, The Telegraph but the Mirror.
eg, re-elect.
A hyphen is also needed when an unhyphenated form already exists, with a different meaning.
eg, re-collect to distinguish it from recollect.
eg, The reforming legislation certainly changed the industry, but it did not improve it.
Re-form may be an alternative to describe a major change rather than some minor amendments.
eg, We recommend that you re-form your financial controls.
It is better to avoid both refute and rebut, which does mean argue against.
Regular means scheduled or periodic.
Do not use expressions like a Rolls-Royce solution.
eg, summer
eg, in the short term.
eg, a short-term plan.
Use smart to describe appearance, not nature.
You can use smart ironically, as in a smart idea for something that appears to be intelligent, although actually lacking in intelligence.
eg, To boldly go where no one has gone before.
eg, the Warriors rather than the Vodaphone Warriors.
eg, We have reached a stalemate but not We are in a stalemate.
Instead of a British-style parliament, write a parliament modelled on the British system.
Which is used to add information.
eg, The report that you wrote describes your strategy and The report, which I have read, describes your strategy.
eg, Use the American president, Barack Obama, or Barack Obama, the American president, instead of American president Barack Obama or Barack Obama, American president,.
Avoid the following in writing and in presentations.
six-fifteen in the morning/afternoon/evening
a quarter past six
eg, President Bush, the Prince of Wales.
Note that the Duke of Buckingham will be subsequently referred to as the duke. The single exception to this is the King when referring to the British monarch.
eg, underestimate, understatement.
Exceptions are in titles.
eg, under-secretary.
Which is used to add information.
eg, The report that you wrote describes your strategy and The report, which I have read, describes your strategy.
The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
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